Thursday 11 September 2008

We See

I see You...

I feel You...

I feel your words of wisdom and feelings

Words of deep and true feelings.

I see You

You see me

Trough your eyes beauty glows

Trough my hands softness happens

Trough our eyes we see each other, we connect

Trough our eyes we created our bond

We are the greatness, the power, the perfection and the cause

We are our weakness, our powerless, our imperfection and the effect.

You see me in one perspective

I see You in another perspective

Is where we meet, that small difference that makes all the difference

Is that point that we know each other, we like, understand and cherish each other

Is that point that makes us different and equal at the same time.

You told: When you believe anything can happen

I told: I believe that i can make anything happen

The nature responded: Us, me and you, together, we can make everything happen.

The nature concludes: We are the magic!


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