Saturday 31 December 2011

O+ Please, Forgive Me!

Honey bear, I'm so real and deeply sorry, for being absent these last days because of work.
I'm trying to find time for us, but is out of my control... and it is what keeps my account balance positive.

This is not a marriage acceptance nor a commitment proposal.
It is my way of saying that I really love you, miss you and need you in my life... because, you complete me!

In an odd and crazy way, we love each other...
It's our way of loving! Please, forgive me!

I Love you!

Wednesday 28 December 2011


Everything that we experience, we must:
Accept it (Live),
Save it (Protect)
Enjoy it (Love).

I wish you all a awesome New Year and an unforgettable New Years Eve.
Live large and have lots of fun... always!

Friday 23 December 2011

Christmas Plans!!

The plan is already outlined:
we'll drink the Church wine;
kill the rooster on his own Mass, roast and dine the dude;
later we hijack the Santa Claus car;
kidnap him, and then, I don't even want to know what will, can and may happen.


Merry Christmas to everyone!

Be true to yourself no matter what and who!!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

O+ Cancro é estúpido!

Cancro é estúpido!
Brigamos muito por pequenas coisas: desejamos ter um carro novo, novo telefone, casa nova, perder peso, etc.
Uma pessoa que tem cancro só quer uma coisa: lutar contra ele.
Coloca isto no teu mural em homenagem a quem morreu de cancro ou que esteja a lutar contra isso agora!

Monday 7 February 2011

Aiming Happiness

No matter what, always aim to your happiness.
Remember that what surrounds you is part of your happiness or helps you getting to it or is just a detail.
If it is a detail, don't spend time on it, unless is "that detail" in need to the happiness.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Driving your Life

If you want to be a winner,
live as if you were in a formula 1 race: you have the knowledge, the technique, support and the means.
But to win it, it's up to you. Only you!
So, drive your life to victory.

Friday 7 January 2011

MFW 2010

Depois de varrer o álbum do MFW 2010 no Facebook da DDB Moz, constatei que quando fôr grande quero ser muito fashion:

- Seguir a moda, desfiles e festas...
- Sofrer com maquilhagem, sapatos altos, cabeleireiros, extensões, perucas, revistas, costureiros, estilistas e o escambal.

Tudo artificial que leva entre 2 a 5 horas a colocar numa pessoa para ficar na moda... e poder sair à rua.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Question Mark: Elephants

Why is that elephants are so afraid of mice?

Is because they think the rats will chew their trunk or because the rats can climb their trunk from the inside?